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Elton - a special field

Woodbury Roadside Wildflower Study

How has a decade of change impacted roadside wildflowers in the parish?

Data collected in 2009 compared to 2019

Susie Culhane, Sally Elliott and Sylvia Wickenden

"Exton - a special field"

Local resident Malcolm Randle reports on

the specialised flora of the Goosefield in Exton

"The Remarkable Ancestry of William Keble Martin"

and his connections with Devon and many notable people,

especially through the Champernowne family,  

by Malcolm Randle

"Wildflower Diversity in the Hedgerows and Verges

of the Woodbury Salterton Area - Then and Now" 

Impressions from former local resident, Joanna Ward

"A Brief History of Wildlife Decline since 1964"

Observations by Sally Elliott, former Parish Tree Warden

Local artist Jemma Cholawo and others have created

a documentary video of residents' memories

of William Keble Martin,

together with reflections on landscape change

since his time.  Jemma also designed our logo,

based on his cover design for the Woodbury News,

and has written about the project on her blog here.

Sue Hudson and the flower arrangers at St Swithun's

created a Flower Festival in July 2019 themed on 

the Keble Martin commemoration.

The Festival celebrated the embroidered kneelers,

and the original designs for them by local artists, 

that were inspired by his drawings.

A new textile artwork has been especially 

commissioned for the Flower Festival.

Naturalist and author Peter Marren has written to support our festival.

An article by him about his journey to see all of the flowers in the 

Concise British Flora was published last year by the wildflower charity

Plantlife, who have kindly given permission for us

to reproduce it here.



Other surveys by Sylvia Wickenden and Sally Elliott

on hedgerow trees and ash trees in the parish,

are available on the Local History Society website

The Historic Environment Action Plan report (2013-14)

was a first attempt by the Local History Society

to consider the history of our local natural and built environment.  

The study was part of a pilot project

of the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Also part of that project, Patrick Dillon and Priscilla Trenchard

produced an enquiry into what people in Woodbury Salterton valued

in their local environment,

Subjective Geographies @ Woodbury Salterton (2015)

Between 2014 and 2016, Diana Wackerbarth and Sally Elliott 

published a regular blog on the natural environment

around Woodbury Salterton and its history.  

Although no longer produced, the blog posts are still available

and contain some interesting information and images.

Woodbury Salterton Natural Environment

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