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May : Tuesday 21st 

7.30pm at the Church Rooms, Woodbury

Free but please let us know you want to come (see below)



Talk : "Close encounters - macro-photography

in nature"

Colin Varndell


Dorset-based Colin Varndell is a superb wildlife photographer,

whose images have a particularly haunting quality.  In this talk Colin

presents a range of macro-photography subjects in nature - 

including frost, raindrops, leaf details, reflections, icicles, abstract patterns,

dew, wild flowers, bursting buds, dragonflies, butterflies, tree blossoms,

mosses, nuts, fungi, cobwebs, autumn colour, hornets and other

invertebrates.... you name it!


This Camera Club open meeting is for anyone with enthusiasm,

non-members welcome.  A follow-up workshop is being planned.




Reserve a place here or by contacting info@woodbury-wide-awake 

or 01395 239078



Image copyright Colin Varndell

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